Aspiring model 18 yearold Elisany da Cruz Silva - who is a staggering 6ft 8ins tall - has been dating 5ft 4ins Francinaldo da Silva Carvalho for more than three years.Despite a massive 1ft 4ins between them, Francinaldo had no problem increasing the distance by dropping to one knee after a romantic stroll along the beach.
The newly engaged couple have not always seen eye to eye and Francinaldo had to work hard to get the ring on Elisany's finger.
'When we met I had already turned 16,I was still a bit childish and so I was just playing around with him for a while and I got so annoyed with him - as if he was a rival that I hated.I just didn't like him and wanted to hit him every time we met.'I told him many times, 'do not ask me to marry you because my answer will be no' - I think that's what he was thinking.I was so nervous when I saw him there. I don't even know how I coped.'But little Construction worker,Francinaldo has a big heart and remembers their meeting a little differently.
He said:...

Marriage isn't about tallness nor dwarf,but it's about what is felt in the heart for each other.....happy married life